Saturday, April 25, 2020

LOCK DOWN "A Failure or Success"

A Perspective

Let us study this Covid 19, a variety either originated or artificially created and developed from Coronavirus strain. This Covid 19 virus was seen initially surfacing in Wuhan China, during the month of November.
This period is extremely cold in China, it therefore, should imply that this virus is environmentally accustomed and tuned to extreme cold or cold weather. It further spread in all cold countries, like America, Europe and including in Iran and middle east.
So far the narrative seems highly plausible.
Now as per India's most lethargic medical, scientific and clueless government machinery, it had entered India during the month of March, presumably a warm, if not hot period in India. It continues to spread and survive in India during further hot period and zones. Forget the world, it even proved its lethal efficacy during heavy unprecedented rains in most places in India .

"Now the Suspicion"
Ladies and Gentlemen

The doubt of it being a environmentally mutated virus, now arises?
If this virus was a environmental mutation of Coronavirus at Wuhan China, than it should have been naturally tuned, only to survive in cold weather.
But no! it remains equally potent in India during hot weather conditions.The survival of such environmentally mutated viruses outside it's area of origin is always zero percent.
The Covid 19 virus, is therefore an artificially created virus, in a highly advanced laboratory in Wuhan China.The Chinese have dangerously ensured through various biological tests, that this Covid 19 Coronavirus should survive to be effective in all weather conditions.
This virus is therefore an extremely and highly dangerous biological weapon system fired by China on the world. China surely has its antidote and will continue to bombard the world till they achieve their designated aim.

How are Nations dealing with Covid 19 threat?

As witnessed, seen and read by everyone, each Nation is adopting it own strategy to deal and fight with this Pandemic Covid 19, a confirmed biological weapon system fired by China.
America, Europe and most countries of the world have taken this threat head-on, boldly without fear but with bravery.
India and one or two other countries like Indonesia have locked the entire Nation to inactivity.
The Nation's who have fought the 1st and 2nd world war head-on, boldly and with bravery are dealing with this crisis in the similar manner.
The Nation who doesn't even remember our own India's millions of soldiers, who gave their life in the same 1st & 2nd War, the Soldiers, who till date are unknown, unheard and unremembered.
Today like meek, weak and helpless are in state of total frozenness, in their fight against this Pandemic.
The Nation who doesn't even remember Indian people's sacrifice during their own two major wars.
The Nation who instead of severely punishing the perpetrator for treason those Indian's, for shamelessly allowing the enemy to occupy our own land, and thereafter scramble to fight on our own territory, to recover hundreds of km lost ground from the enemy, due to our cowardly failure; Celebrates every year with full validation of their shocking failure and cheating the Nation.
We are again to the same trick of hiding and losing ground to Coronavirus, Covid 19.
No progressive Nation can remain in such frozen state of Lock Down for ever and ever, extending each time the Lock Down period on one pretext or the other.This is the most primitive way to deal with any adversity. The most stupid way to keep running the Nation by feeding everyone at each nook and corner. Keep giving survival doles to public based on vote bank. Tax the middle class and feed the rioters.
The National economy is sliding into total ruins, there are mass job loses, pay cut, business closer with no possibility of its return to normalcy.
India the Nation of young is awaiting anarchy by the same people soon.
Police, Doctors, Army and other Government organization who are effectively and efficiently running the Nation are being left to fend for themselves, when it comes to their families and welfare.
The National Lock Down is dangerously failing every passing Day.
Only one man PM Modiji is seen alone running the Nation. You open any news channel and you find him there. What about others, are they all under Lock Down.

What than is the Solution?

Ladies and Gentlemen
Covid 19 is a biological weapon, unleashed by China on the world. There is no escape whatsoever from this Coronavirus by hiding, face it head-on. There will be few casualties, which in any case we are still suffering inspite of Lock Down.
The more you expose yourself to Covid 19, the chances of your body developing antibody gets enhanced. By hiding your Immune system is not preparing for its onslaught any time in future.
The day you will come out, may be tomorrow day after or after months, you will have to face this biological weapon of China rest assure.
Americans, Europeans and many other countries by their bold brave approach in dealing with Pandemic Covid 19, would have developed natural antibody and will survive.
We have to come out and fight, by hiding like weak, we are not only economically ruining the country, but we are sure to die as well.
The economic disaster will take more life, more resources more effort to recover
As a Nation let us tell the Government, that we want no Bullet Trains, Underground Metros, Sky Rise Structures and Buildings and any further Damage to the Earth.
Ladies and Gentlemen just study Covid 19. It is unable to cast it's evil spell and dangerous effect on areas full of Jungles and Animals. It has posed just no threat to spread out villages with thatched huts and humble abode, unless that poor man had traveled from our created concrete jungle to that village
Time we fall back to nature and its pure humble living. Any future virus attack will than have no effect on us.

Friday, April 24, 2020


Some of our worries and fear? 
हमारी कुछ चिंताएं और डर? 
एक सलाह।
One advise. 
*जो डर गया वो बच गया, 
जिसने भी बहादुरी दिखाई वो गया।

Few Questions ?

Hot, Red & Green Spots in your City
The number of Covid 19 cases in your neighborhood/City.
The system & procedure of treatment of Covid 19 cases. "God Forbid".

Ladies & Gentleman 
Our worries are legitimate and will continue to trouble us everyday. We should however "Take it in Stride".
Now let us resolve our worries and fears. 
Please consider for your own and your families security and safety your entire City as Red Hot Spot. Meaning we just cannot come out from confines of our home under any circumstances. Except, on limited occasions to purchase our survival provisions.This, however is relaxable/exceptions only to individuals attending their government permitted official duties. 
Our worry as to what happens, if someone is feeling as suspected Covid 19 case, It is simple, just report to the nearest best hospital in the first place, inform your best help and wait for the result. If you are part of some Government Organization/ Medical Scheme inform them immediately Please for god's sake, don't commence your self treatment. 
Let us not burden our self with the daily count of Covid19 cases in our Locality, City and State.It is totally inconsequential.
Till the time we are adhering to the Lock Down orders. We must just relax and chill.
Ladies & Gentleman.
Your habit of going out for morning and evening walk, during this Complete Lock Down period is highly dangerous, refrain, you are placing yourself into maximum risk of contacting Covid 19. The cycle to decide the dangerous period commences from the time the Lock Down is initiated. Now is the most crucial time to take maximum precautions.Your foolish bravado, should not place your wife and kids into trouble. 
We also have some responsibility to perform. We must keep our self absolutely fit under all circumstances. We must regularly carry out Rigorous Physical Exercise within the confines of our house. 
Eat less, keep our tummy empty. There should be 8 hours gap between two meals. 
This is necessary to develop our immune system to its best. 
हमारे बुजुर्गों के सवुलियत के लिए,कुछ एक सवाल जवाब।
सब से प्रथम, कृपया अपना समय इस महामारी के विषय में जानकारी हासिल करने के लिए व्यर्थ ना करें, किसी के पास कोई सही जानकारी नहीं है। बस खुश और तंदुरुस्त रखें अपने आप को।
कॉविड१९, एक सांस के बीमारी है, इस के मुख्य ३ लक्षण है। खांसी, बुखार और सांस लेने में बहुत कष्ट। जब पूरे ३ आपके ऊपर हावी होते है, तब आपको यह कॉविड१९ हो सकता है।
एक उपाय है,"आप अपने गले और सांस के रास्ते में बलगम जमा कतई ना होने दें"। इन मुख्य ३ लक्षण से बचें, और मस्त रहें।
सब से महत्पूर्ण इस "सम्पूर्ण कोरोनावायरस से बचाव के बंद का १००% पालन करें। धन्यवाद.
Watch my three video's on Coronavirus Covid 19, in Utube by typing COBRA9SG. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


बस! आप के लिए सब कुछ करे। आप का कोई कर्तव्य नहीं है।

"मूर्ख हिन्दू", आप खुद को समाज में बड़ा सब्या दर्शाना चाहते हो। रोना आपने अपना धर्म बना लिया है।
निर्दोष साधुओं को पालघर, महाराष्ट्र में किस बेरहमी से मारा,
देखो तो फट जायेगी,आपकी।
देश वासियों यह बताओ,
आप के परिवार से कोई देश की आज़ादी मैं मरा था,
इतिहास खोदो!
पता चलेगा कोई भी नहीं, ना आपका, ना ही आप के पड़ोसी का, ना ही आप के कोई पहचान वाले का मरा था।
फिर खून कैसे खोलेगा। घर में सोते सोते मिली है आप को आज़ादी।
जैसे मिली थी, लगता है वैसे ही चली जाएगी
यहूदीयों से पूछो, अमेरिकन से पूछो, यूरोपियन से पूछो। हर घर ने दिया था बलिदान।
कमजोर हिन्दू
तुम खुदगर्ज हो, मतलबी हो,स्वार्थ आपका साथी है। आपकी संतान ने, अपनो को गिराने की सीख पाई है।
कृपया जानलो अब, इसबार
"बुजदिली", आपका और आपके के परिवार का अंत जरूर करेगी।

Thursday, April 9, 2020

सम्पूर्ण भारत बंद

एक मजाक

देश की आर्मी, नौसेना, वायूसेना, पुलिस फोर्स अर्धसैनिक बल, प्राइवेट सुरक्षा एजेंसी,और अन्य सुरक्षा से जुड़े हुए संस्थान, बैंक कर्मचारी, सफाई कर्मचारी, शहर के प्रबंधक कर्मचारी, पूरे चिकित्सा सबंधित अधिकारी और कर्मचारी।
देश के आतंकी मुसलमान, हजारों की तादात में देशद्रोही सम्पूर्ण बंद के उलांघनार्ता।
गरीबों को बड़े भावुकता पूर्वक खाना बनाने और जगह जगह बांटने वाले और लाखों की तादात में भीड़ लगाकर मुफ्त मैं पेट भरने वाले।
इस के अलावा और भी हजारों लोग हैं, जैसे हजारों में असली और नकली समस्त मीडिया कर्मी, जोपद पट्टी में रहने वाले अनियंत्रित निवासी।
यह सब देश के वर्ग घरों के बाहर खुलेआम घूम रहे हैं।
अब यह बताओ मूर्ख देशवासियों घर के अंदर कोन है, वोही मरीज, लाचार, निकम्में जिनकी प्रतिरोधक क्षमता या तो बहुत कम है, अब सुरक्षित व्यवस्था मैं रहकर बिल्कुल ख़तम हो जाएगी। मजबूर निजी संस्थानों में नौकरी करने वाले। बस यही लाचार देश का मिडिल क्लास।
देश वासी या तो सम्पूर्ण भारत बंद पूरी तरह करो।आतंकी मुसलमान और उलंघनकरताओं को कठोर से कठोर,सख्त से सख्त सजा दो। इन देश का मजाक बनाने वाले देशद्रोहियों को जिंदगी में कोई सरकारी अथवा निजी लाभ से अलग और वंचित कर,इन मैं कोई भी कोरोनावायरस संक्रमण से प्रभावित हो, सरकारी उपचार का लाभ बिल्कुल मत दो। 
कुछ तो उदहारण अनुशासन का पालन और अनुशासनहीनता वालों का देश को पेश तो करो।
अच्छे और खराब का देश को फरक तो बताओ। बस चुप रहना हर विकल्प मैं तो नहीं चलेगा।
जो भी सरकारी तौर से बाहर है उनको हर सुरक्षा सामग्री दो। वरना यह रेत मैं अपना सिर गुसा, हम को घर में बंद करके रखना ख़तम करो। 
कोरोनावायरस कोई पंछी नही है, के उड जाएगा, जब आप बाहर निकले,तब क्या होगा किसी को मालूम नहीं है।

Saturday, April 4, 2020



This malware app is a Chinese Govt controlled app, and is known to copy and compromise all your digital details available inside the mobile phone as also all details which can be accessed through your mobile number, be it anywhere.
This Chinese Spy app is extremely dangerous and is posing National Security Problems and grave Risk to countries where it's citizens are widely and stupidly using this app for cheap thrills.
America has already banned tiktok app's use in America and all NATO member Countries and has warned her Citizens to strictly refrain from using this app.
India is seriously considering banning this app with effect from July this year. The Govt of India before taking this action has forwarded a detailed questionnaire to tiktok for early reply, however advisory does exist to be careful in tiktok aap use in India..
If however you are still stupid enough to continue using this aap, you are not only compromising your mobile number but all digital details which can be accessed through your mobile and mobile number
The Chinese Intelligence Spy Agency is preparing a complete digital data bank of the country and her citizens, whose citizens are foolishly using this aap.
A highly dangerous scenario in future, when China will be able to completely paralyze the functioning of the target country. The Chinese Spies will be able to exploit the target population to her dubious and nefarious advantage.
In India it is being widely circulated between the Muslim populations, student and youngsters and community, who have just emerged and introduced to urban life and nouveau riche modernity.
However if inspite of all this Chinese reality and threat, some stupid idiots still continue to forward a tiktok video to you, don't ever open it. Warn that friend ones, thereafter block all his digital entry into your mobile phone.
If you have understood the underlying warning, which I am trying to convey, you would not only save yourself from major embarrassment but protect your country from the Chinese total take over and control, in this latest Digital Warfare.

Friday, April 3, 2020


Fight against Coronavirus

5 April at 9 pm till 9 minutes all lights off and Nation to celebrate Deepawali.
That is Modiji's appeal to India, the Corona Warriors.
That is the auspicious date and time of my birth. It is a divine time, totals 9, either way you may count.
The divine Hindu number, the number of light and fire.This number 9 dominates and pleases all the nine planets in the solar system, restore and strengthen life and energy to its full.
Though! I have never ever Celebrated my Birthday. Never ever mentioned or shared my birthday date with anyone and have never ask anybody's birthday.
But today, I couldn't stop myself to talk about my birthday, because the Nation would be consciously alive with Deepawali during the date and time of my birth.
Thanks Modiji.

जश्न और एकजुटता
कोरोनावायरस से लड़ाई
५ अप्रैल ९ बजे से ९ मिनट्स तक पूरे देश की लाइटें बंद और देश अपने घर की बालकनी में दीपावली मनाएगा।
यह मोदीजी की अपील है सारे देश वासी कोरोना योद्धा से।
यह एक संयोग है।
यही शुभ तारिक और समय मेरे जन्म का भी है। यह एक दिव्य तारिक और समय है, इस का संपूर्ण अंक ९ है, आप जैसे भी गिनती करें। यह एक दिव्य हिन्दू अंक है, जो रोशनी और अग्नि की ताकत का अंक है। यह अंक ९, ब्रम्हांड के नवग्रहों को हमेशा प्रसन्न रख उनपर हावी रह कर, जिंदगी की ऊर्जा को बहाल और ताकतवर बनता है।
वैसे मैने अपना जन्म दिन कभी नहीं मनाया है। ना ही मैने कभी अपनी जन्म तिथि को किसी से शेयर किया, ना ही मैने किसी से उसकी जन्म तिथि मालूम की।
परन्तु आज मै अपने आप को रोक नहीं पाया क्यूंकि पूरा देश ५ अप्रैल ९ बजे जान बूझकर पूरे होश मैं जागरूक रहेगा, और मेरी जन्म तिथि के समय दीपावली का आनंद महसूस करेगा।
धन्यवाद मोदीजी

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


3000 Anti-India Radicalized Muslims enter India.

Ladies and Gentlemen of India, it is now amply getting clear that India is Corrupt and not Indians.
The Indian Rules Regulations, Law and System are so weak and amenable that anyone can bend, manipulate and amend it to his or her advantage. 
If hypothetically you imagine, if India makes a retired Army Chief as the Defence Minister of India. 
Will it be good or bad? 
Most would say, it would be the best thing to do.
Let me elucidate and give clarity to the Indian public, that this move would be the worst thing which the Indian Army and Indian public would suffer at the time of National Crisis.
This Defence Minister would place all his School type, his Caste and Place type, his NDA Squadron type, his Regiment type etc etc at all important places and appointments, held by officers at working and execution level, because he knows them in the Army since ages. 
While, with them in uniform, he couldn't have done it, as he was answerable to the Defence Minister for all his actions, in a Democratic set up.
As a Politicians, he has the freedom and he has inside knowledge to exploit the system.
This liberty and risk no politically elected and appointed Defence Minister would take.He will only put his signatures on all actions taken as per rules and policies. And during crisis, if Army fails, he would not hesitate to punish the failure and the defaulters.
Yes! few case of here and there personal interest, cannot be ruled out, but still this would be less hurtful to the organisation than the damage a insider can do. Now, if the risk, stupidity and ramification of such appointments are understood, proceed to analyse the appointment of our Foreign Minister.
The Foreign Minister or the External Affair Minister of India is a former carrier diplomat and was the Foreign Secretary of India for his full term.He approves all appointments, transfer and promotions other than the Ambassador; in his ministry and embassies spread all across the world.The above mentioned fear and danger gets certain, that surely his personal knowledge of the Indian Foreign Service, the place where he had served for many many years, must have compromised functioning, by all such placings
Three thousand Anti-India Radicalized Muslims have been caught in Delhi, hiding inside a mosque in Nizam-ud-din entering India in January 2020 and their overstay beyond their tourist visa mandate.
It is suspected that many more must have entered and have possibly melted into the Muslim population of the Indian States, known for their Corrupt Law and Order Machinery.
The riots of Delhi cannot be ruled out was their hand work.Because the Delhi Shaheen Bagh riots took place, when these Anti-India radicalized Muslims from Anti-India Radicalized Muslim countries were hiding in Mosques of Delhi .
This Radical Muslims numbering over 3000/ were being tutored and guided by 300 mullahs harbouring and propagating Anti-India nefarious designs.This has been learnt from confiscated CD's and Pen Drive containing Anti-Lock Down, Anti-Modi ji, and Breaking India Speeches.
These Muslims with Anti-India motive, have been found severely Coughing, Sneezing and with Fever, the Coronavirus symptoms, some of them disappearing into India's Muslim population; with full blown Coronavirus with them in most of the cases.
Keep blaming him and him, but the sufferers would be Indians because of corrupt India.
Nation.The needle of suspicion allegedly and certainly points towards The Ministry of External Affairs.How so many Muslims could enter India, when the situation in India was already tense due to CAA opposition and violent movement by radicalized Muslims combined with Coronavirus pandemic hovering over India.
Modiji it is time, you punish these Indian Deshdrohi, straightaway. Also if illegal immigrants are caught and if he is found entering from BSF, Coast Guard, Army or Indian Navy, Area of Responsibility held borders/ Sea Coast. Hold all those Officers and Soldiers responsible and punish them from whose area the lapse and illegal entry has taken place.
This Dangerous unauthorised Muslim Congregation in question has damaged India's good work and success in her fight Against Coronavirus till date.
Now here, in this burning issue, the fault is clearly of some corrupt Indian Embassies Officers and MEA Bureaucrats, they need to be severely punish, for blatant and brazen Anti-India deliberate act or complacency.